Let’s Get Going! PowerClean 2018

Let’s Get Going! PowerClean 2018

By Diane M. Calabrese / Published July 2018

Photo by iStockphoto.com/Danielle Davis

Busy? Good. Busier than ever? Better still.

Imagine the extra-high energy level that will define this year’s PowerClean 2018, when distributors and manufacturers take a few days to learn, share, and immerse themselves in the whole of the industry.

High economic activity makes this year’s CETA annual tradeshow exciting, to be sure. Yet PowerClean 2018 in Orlando, FL, October 18–21, will be a special one in its own right because it will officially bring together CETA and PWNA for the first time.

Brenda Purswell and John Purs-well, president and vice president respectively of Alklean Industries in Pasadena, TX, are among those who will be attending. Yes, it means taking a few days away from a full schedule at their business. But the veterans of the industry, who have both served on the CETA board, put a high priority on participation. “We are a distributor and attend every year for the networking opportunities and the educational opportunities,” says Brenda Purswell.

Another distributor, Dennis Black, president of McHenry Pressure Cleaning Systems Inc. in Frederick, MD, looks forward to the realworld environment of the tradeshow for many reasons. “I have always found it beneficial to maintain relationships with our suppliers and manufacturers,” he says. “Meeting face-to-face with people you usually just talk to on the phone helps strengthen and grow bonds and relationships.”

Black and his team members who attend always participate in the educational sessions. “It is a wonderful time to learn and gain knowledge from many sources and angles,” he says.

The willingness of CETA members to “share and assist each other in strengthening ourselves and our businesses” comes through in every facet of the show, explains Black. He adds that the show “allows us to add to our arsenal of services and products” to the benefit of customers.

The ease of exchanging ideas and learning about new products makes PowerClean 2018 a strong forum. “Several members of our team will be participating in sessions,” says Chad Rasmussen, CFO of Royce Industries L.C. in West Jordan, UT, and the current president of CETA.

“We find a lot of value from the speakers and activities that go on,” explains Rasmussen. “CETA has done a good job of attracting good speakers from outside the industry the last couple of years that we look forward to hearing.”

Rasmussen also cites the “training given by industry experts and roundtable discussions with peers” as two highpoints among the many learning opportunities. With the ability to tap the expertise of those “inside the industry,” the attendees have an “incredibly valuable” experience, he explains.

Meet, Greet, and Show

Several employees from Chappell Supply and Equipment will be attending PowerClean 2018, says
Roy G. Chappell, the CEO of the company based in Oklahoma City, OK. “By attending CETA classes, asking questions about new products in the show, and talking with other progressive dealers, you can gain valuable insight applicable to other types of industries that would be potential customers.”

Chappell’s company will also be exhibiting at the tradeshow. “Our booth will be headed up again by a very knowledgeable asset, David Mejia.”

Mejia’s expertise is deep and exemplifies that of the many who come to meet, greet, and show wares. “He started in service, moved to outside sales, and is now managing our wholesale department,” says Chappell.

“This year, David will be showing some new hose ends and fittings, as well as our new Raptor hose that is available in one-inch, 1½-inch, two-inch, three-inch, and four-inch,” says Chappell. He urges attendees to take advantage of visiting with Mejia and other exhibitors to learn how products can be used.

And don’t overlook the two-way exchange of information that goes on in every interaction. Distributors will be learning from end users, manufacturers from distributors, and so on.

“We plan to show some mobile options as well as water recovery systems,” says Scott Hansen, vice president of marketing at Alkota Cleaning Systems Inc. in Alcester, SD. He adds that “the two organizations, CETA and PWNA, getting together” will make the tradeshow very exciting.

In addition to exhibiting, Hansen’s company will be represented by team members. “We always want to send members of our team for the education,” he explains. The team members also welcome the opportunity to get in-person and free-flowing feedback from distributors and end users.

Just one question or suggestion from a distributor or end user can ignite a sequence that leads to a new product or an innovation. More than that, though, meeting in a genial and industry-focused setting is a good way for all sectors of the industry to verify that they clearly understand needs—present and future—of end users.

“As always, Mi-T-M will have a full representation of all the equipment we manufacture on display at PowerClean in Orlando,” says Aaron Auger, the water treatment division manager at the corporation, which is headquartered in Peosta, IA. “We will feature hot and cold pressure washers, generators, air compressors, wet/dry vacuums, portable heaters, and wastewater treatment and recovery systems.

“PowerClean has always been an excellent opportunity to get our entire product line in front of a very diverse group of customers,” continues Auger. “This year is shaping up to be no exception.”

Multiply the many products displayed by one manufacturer by products being showcased by many exhibitors, and the richness of the experience for attendees becomes palpable. But it’s not all about education or new products or sharing. There is also another significant dimension to PowerClean. It’s the intangible one of being able to take advantage of the serendipitous outcomes that stem from simply interacting in pleasant conversation in a social setting or while golfing.

“The events that are scheduled at this year’s PowerClean give us ample opportunities to interact with our customer base,” says Auger. “From golf to education seminars, the opening reception, and the trade show itself, it’s three full days for us to converse and socialize with other people who mean the most to our business—our customers.”

Yes, taking time away from a business that’s going full throttle requires some planning or a bit of readjustment. The effort made is one that will be rewarded with compound gains, however.

“Two Teams. One Vision. Advancing the industry forward.” That’s the theme for PowerClean 2018, a theme that promotes the great result envisioned from the first formal co-location of CETA and PWNA.

The theme also acknowledges that every vital industry, including ours, keeps changing. Moving forward, adapting to change, and exploiting the opportunities that changes bring gets a boost from the power of numbers. Think of PowerClean 2018 as a way to contribute energy to the effort. Synergy does matter.

Just consider some of the sponsors of PowerClean 2018 to appreciate the vigor that comes from competitors—and colleagues—sharing information with one another. The platinum sponsors (as of May 23, 2018) are BE Pres-sure, Hotsy Pacific, Royce Industries L.C., Comet Pump, Etowah Chemical Sales and Service, General Pump (opening reception sponsor), Chappell Supply and Equipment, Delco, Honda Engines—American Honda, and Kärcher. Attendees will have access to all of them and many more.

Why not get registered for PowerClean 2018 today? For registration forms visit www.ceta.org and send inquiries about the tradeshow to info@ceta.org.

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