Ever wonder whether humans concerned themselves about what the invention of the wheel portended? Some probably did.
Skids got the job done. Why not just stay with them? Not possible because better naturally overtakes good enough. Change is constant.
Point one: Throughout millennia concern about new technology has always moved right alongside—and sometimes tempered—the marvel over the innovations that brought about change.
Point two: We must accept reality. AI [artificial intelligence] is already part of life, and it has been for some time.
From the labyrinthine digital systems that use algorithms and strive to prevent credit card fraud (by instantaneously checking a user’s purchase against his or her frequently bought items) to sites like Amazon that suggest the buyer might be “running low” on something, AI is already embedded.
Of course, the fundamental concern about AI is that it will not only be in the mix but also eventually also set the parameters of the mix and ultimately determine what gets attention. In other words, algorithmic independence will enable AI to take over all things.
Worries over rogue technology have been expressed for more than one hundred years. See, for example, Karel Capek’s 1920’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots (R.U.R.)
It’s impossible to read print or web sources on any day without seeing some concern expressed about where AI will take the world. Concern comes because algorithms planted with the seeds (subroutines) of malicious activity might take off and go rogue.
Yes, it could happen. Thus, the pervasive commentary ensues on how to deploy AI only ethically and safely–good goals, but about as achievable as ensuring a wheel never falls off a conveyance.
But is AI more risky than other innovations? We don’t know. But in the last century humans made nuclear weapons without any assistance from AI.
Calls to manage AI for good come from innovators and government officials. A common thread to their approach usually begins with the impossible: absolute truth must be at the core of algorithms.
Given humans have never managed to achieve such a goal outside the AI sphere, it’s doubtful it will happen now. Moreover, the epistemological consideration of how we know what we know—and whose truth prevails—will continue to be part of change, including change powered or enabled by AI.
As everyone tries to sort through what’s going to happen for good or ill—and really, like all else, time will tell—the integration of AI into society continues apace. And at a rapid pace.
Artificial intelligence is already integrated into industry, playing a role in machining processes, distribution logistics, etc., and its reach will continue to grow. Thus, it’s not a matter of mulling over concerns while we await the first impact of AI, but instead it’s a matter of successfully meshing ever-more-present AI with the needs and pursuits of all elements of society.
Below two members of our industry share their thoughts about AI’s impact. We can characterize their perspectives—each from a unique vantage—as resoundingly optimistic.
Built into the quest for excellence is the commitment to surpass the best result to date. AI is a significant tool in the quest.
“Assessing the impact of artificial intelligence, AI, on your business, particularly the pressure washer industry, involves understanding both general applications of AI in small businesses and specific advancements,” says Gus Alexander, CEO of FNA Group in Pleasant Prairie, WI. He adds that there are discernable ways in which AI is influencing small businesses in the pressure washer industry.
What are the ways? Alexander names four: operational efficiency, marketing and customer engagement, decision-making processes, and automated systems.
Operational efficiency has a wide scope, encompassing all dimensions of a business. “AI-powered automation can substantially increase productivity, giving small businesses a significant competitive edge with immediate recognition for the proper direction you should head against larger more sophisticated competitors,” says Alexander.
And the information retrieved about where to head applies throughout operations. “It is important in manufacturing process platforms, distribution, and logistics,” explains Alexander.
Good products sell themselves. That’s the adage, true in part because bad products perish. Yet with so much persistent outreach to prospective customers via multiple channels, a competitive business must engage with customers.
“Small businesses have adopted AI, citing improved performance in marketing and communications,” says Alexander. Thus, proving its utility in marketing and customer engagement.
Certain decisions are easier to make than others. AI can enhance the process of taking in available qualitative and quantitative information and using the information to arrive at a decision.
Yes, the decision maker(s) can simply gather data and sift through it, taking the time needed and doing it well, but going it alone is no longer necessary. “AI can help analyze business data, identify patterns, and support strategic decisions, enabling small businesses to compete more effectively with larger ones,” says Alexander.
Then, there’s the essence of the business—the tools it provides. The more precise the tools (or services), the better outcomes achieved. The history of automation is written in doing more with less (including fewer resources and pollutants).
Automated systems are getting another boost thanks to AI. “Advancements with constant refinements in AI and automation are transforming pressure washing tasks,” says Alexander.
“AI-influenced pressure washers can assist in analyzing surface conditions and substructures, which can adjust cleaning parameters in real time,” explains Alexander, “and consequently optimize efficiency and effectiveness of the cleaning tasks.”
The benefits of highly accurate analyses build upon themselves. Among the cascade of plusses are job quotes that come in exactly as estimated, a reduction in manual work, and lower labor costs.
Where to begin to do all that’s possible with AI? Approach integration and full deployment of AI in business in a systematic way.
Alexander recommends a few guidelines to help with assessing what AI is or is not doing for a business. Among them are to stay current with applicable AI technologies relevant to all parts of business operations.
Knowing what’s available “determines which aspects of your business could benefit from AI integration,” explains Alexander. Also, determine what competitors are doing in the realm, invest in training as well as in AI technologies, and appraise any changes made.
In other words, don’t just assume tapping an AI tool leads to improvements. “Monitor performance metrics,” says Alexander. “Track key performance indicators (KPI) to measure improvements in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business growth.”
There’s one prevailing negative notion about AI involvement in everything. In short, AI will do so much that there will be nothing left to do.
The opposite perspective is that AI will free up more time to do more with the human mind. The positive outlook is the one held by Andrei Ross, Dirt Killer’s content creator at Atlantic Pressure Washers in Linthicum, MD.
“Since I started assuming the role of marketing and social media coordination for our company, I have spent countless hours editing, filming, and promoting our brand on various platforms,” explains Ross. Evolving algorithms mean “it is required to upload on a nearly daily basis to gain and retain viewer recognition.”
For Ross, AI has meant keeping pace with the need for fresh content but doing so with a smaller investment of hours. It’s a time saver.
“As I am working on a longer form video, I can snap a few pictures of promotion on the topic of interest, give a few keywords, and allow an AI program to make a short video summarizing it all,” says Ross. “This gives me more time to spend perfecting longer content.”
And the key is that the longer content is being developed while the new, shorter content demanded by the digital world audiences keeps flowing. “AI creations shouldn’t be used to replace the company’s online presence,” says Ross. “But they give us an opportunity to work the algorithms to our favor with less strain on the video creators to rush out content.”
AI is also a great boon to responding to routine queries from customers, explains Ross. A pop-up bot can respond at a website and answer questions that recur. But there’s an important caveat. That is having a human backup who can be reached if questions are not routine.
“While being a useful tool to ease the workflow of video editors and customer-support representatives, AI is not a full replacement for the humans involved in these tasks,” says Ross. True, there are speed gains and customers can retrieve certain information 24/7.
But there is a “however” to be considered, explains Ross. “The human element is still necessary to provide the exceptional customer service and production quality that we take pride in here at our company. The ability to refer to previous work experience and create connection with customers is paramount to success in this industry, and as AI evolves, appropriate integration could create interesting advancements in that process.”
In fact, no two words sum up the potentially good impact of AI better than the pairing Ross uses: “appropriate integration.”