by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published July 2018
In a culture where we are quick to express outrage over any number of items—many of them trivial though not all—it is good to be reminded to keep life experiences in perspective. Diane Calabrese’s article, “A Nuisance Is Not a Catastrophe,” on page 6, reminds us that a failure of a pressure washer pump is very inconvenient, but it is not fatal.
Nevertheless, if you are using the pressure washer to put bread on your table, you do want to take every step necessary to prevent a pump failure. The article details how often to change your oil, how to differentiate the lifespans of various components, how to check for an adequate water supply, how to ensure no air is getting into the system, how to set up a preventative maintenance schedule, and more. It is full of counsel that one would do well to heed.
A second important topic to think through is found in another article written by Diane Calabrese, “What Can Social Media Do for Business?” on page 20. Fred Griffith, owner of Demand Clean LLC in Charlotte, NC, in speaking about
using social media in a business setting, says, “I learned a long time ago—if your business isn’t going to change, you’re going to go out of business. I welcome competition instead of running from it.” Social media is here to stay, so business owners would do well to harness its potential and use it to their advantage.
Have a great summer and a Happy 4th of July!
Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038