
Editor’s Note—April 2017


Editor’s Note—April 2017

by Michael Hamline, Editor / Published April 2017

Do you read or watch the news on a regular basis? Do you ever find yourself becoming sad, anxious, or angry as you read or watch these stories? I confess that I am a regular reader of news, and I sometimes find myself having all those emotional reactions to events that are being reported on. However, once in a blue moon, you come across a story that is positive and uplifting.

In this April issue, Cleaner Times is excited to report on a story that is good and encouraging. Terri Perrin writes in “Giving Back: In Honor of Grandma Mamie” on page 6 about a story that has its start more than 100 years ago. Perrin reports, “Our story started in 1917 when a young North Carolina woman named Mamie Delulia Barefoot met and married Arthur Thomas Adkins. The young couple went about doing what everyone else did back in the good old days—working hard and having children.” In fact, she had seven children, and she worked hard to provide for them. She also was a faithful church member at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Rockfish, NC.

As her children grew up and had children of their own, they outgrew mom and Grandma Mamie’s house and started to meet in the fellowship hall at the Tabernacle Baptist Church for family reunions. Rodney Adkins, a grandson of Grandma Mamie, recalls how a discussion on “the idea of establishing an education fund in Mamie’s honor was conceived. She had loved her church, placed significant value on education, and endeavored to see those around her better themselves. The Fund is administered by the Tabernacle Baptist Church and provides assistance with the financial burden associated with higher education.” The fund has raised $41,000 toward this goal since 2004.

It’s a great story to read about. Rodney Adkins is with Commercial Trucking System (CTS), which was founded in 1967 by his father, Fred R. Adkins, and is a distributor of industrial cleaning systems, equipment, and products. For their efforts in giving back to their community, CTS was awarded the 2016 Community Service Award by the Cleaning Equipment Trade Association (CETA) at the annual convention.

If you have a community service story to share, Cleaner Times would love to hear from you. You can reach me at michael@adpub.com or call (800) 525-7038


Michael Hamline
(800) 525-7038


Corrections: In the March issue, the article “Charles Tibboles: CETA’s 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner” incorrectly reported that his primary focus was on the residential heating market. In fact, he is responsible for R.W. Beckett’s burner sales to the pressure washer OEM.

In addition, the Product News incorrectly switched the photo of Jetstream’s RotoMag X22 Nozzle with the photo of Valley Industries HardCoreTM Hose Reels. We regret the errors.

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